
Ushuaia - El Fin del Mundo

After staying in Buenos Aires for 5 days, I flied again to Ushuaia, called the End of the World.

There is a famous hostel among Japanese backpackers, 上野山荘本館.

But in the beginning I decided to stay in a usual hostel located in the central area of town.


<2nd day>

I just went to ride on a train. It is just a touristic thing but I really wanted to see and it costed so much X(


<3rd day>

I climbed a hill called Glacier el Martial with my room mates - I will write about them later.

It was really amazing, refreshing, and inspiring.

Here the situation is more touristic than I have experienced in this continent. Many languages and many attractions.

Now I have to decide how to make most of the rest of days...

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