「Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas」であり、英訳すると「Natural Persons Register」すなわち、自然人登録ということになる。
Each individual has a number (which is the actual CPF), formerly printed on a paper document but now on a blue plastic card (credit-card-sized). Since the 70s the use of this number has been extended to a series of other purposes, making it one of the four most important documents for anyone living in Brazil (the others are the Identity Card, the Voting Registration and, for men, the Military Service Certificate). Without a CPF it is almost impossible to lead a normal life in Brazil. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadastro_de_Pessoas_Físicasより)
RNEという外国人登録の申請をし、それを受けてCPFの申請に会社近くの郵便局に行ったのが7月頭、その申請のConfirmationをしにPoupatempoに行ったのが7月25日くらいだったはずなので、 CPFにかけた時間だけを見ても1ヶ月以上はかかったことになる。
それでもReceita Federalが管轄するCPFは、Policía Federalが管轄するRNEより俄然早いのだが。
I got your letter, but I have the entrance exam on 23rd this month.
返信削除I'm gonna return mail when I finish it.
¡buena suerte!
返信削除Thank you for the message. Boa sorte pra você, também!! (Good luck for you, too!!)