Anyway, today it is a holiday celebrating the Independence of Brazil in 1822.
Compared with Japan, it was earlier in terms of the "Western Impact". Of course, Brasil was once governed by the Royal Family of Portugal and the Independence was declared by one of the Family but the history is not so simple, I guess... That's what I learned from a history book recently.
Well, today I was very happy because my name "Kentaro" was rightly recognized by a Starbucks' stuff. Last time when I went to another Starbucks, he didn't recognize but today as a photo below:
(In Brasil, you will be given a paper cup with your first name on it, if you ordered something to drink.)
今日は友人が我が部屋から引っ越した。近隣との若干のトラブルがあったものの、最小限に抑えられたと思われる。しかし、いざお別れとなるとなんだかSaudadeですね。Bom viagem!
Oh cool, so it was the independence day of Brasil. Well, in here Mexico, its coming soon. Its gonna be on Sep 16th, so the Mexican flags can be seen in anywhere right now.
返信削除Also, in here Mexico, they ask the customers their names and put them on the cup.
Wow, the independence day of México is really close to that of Brasil, isn't it? What year did she get independent in? Aqui no Brasil, pode ver a bandeira national em tudo lugar, hehe. Então, Starbucks é muito mundial, não é?
返信削除oye, no entiendo Portugués! Pues, Día de la Independencia de México era ayer. Tengo que comprar bandera de México para traiga a Japón.
返信削除Está bom! Quero ver a bandeira de México!
ごめん、スペ語の最初の一文を流してたw 「ポルトガル語わからないぜ!でも、メキシコの独立記念日がもうすぐなんだ。日本へのお土産でメキシコの国旗を買おうと思ってるんだよね。」くらいの意味ということでよろしいかな?w ちなみに最後のポル語は「Good! I want to see the Mexican National Frag!」ってな意味です。4カ国語、アツイねw
うん、訳はそんな感じでwポル語とスパ語は似てるから雰囲気で理解できるwつか同じのが多い。"Quero ver"="Quiero ver"だし、"bandeira"="bandera"だし。